Illustration 34
Typical example
• If the engine is equipped with a drain valve, turn
the drain valve knob counterclockwise in order to
drain the oil. After the oil has drained, turn the
drain valve knob clockwise in order to close the
drain valve.
• If the engine is not equipped with a drain valve,
remove the oil drain plug (1) in order to allow the
oil to drain. If the engine is equipped with a
shallow oil pan, remove the bottom oil drain plugs
from both ends of the oil pan.
After the oil has drained, the oil drain plugs should be
cleaned and installed. If necessary, replace the O
ring seal. Tighten the drain plug to 34 N·m (25 lb ft).
Replace the Oil Filter
Perkins oil filters are manufactured to Perkins specifi-
cations. Use of an oil filter that is not recommended
by Perkins could result in severe damage to the en-
gine bearings, or crankshaft, as a result of the larger
waste particles from unfiltered oil entering the engine
lubricating system. Only use oil filters recommended
by Perkins.
Remove the oil filter with a suitable tool.
The following actions can be carried out as
part of the preventive maintenance program.
Cut the oil filter open with a suitable tool. Break
apart the pleats and inspect the oil filter for metal
debris. An excessive amount of metal debris in the
oil filter may indicate early wear or a pending
Use a magnet to differentiate between the ferrous
metals and the nonferrous metals that are found in
the oil filter element. Ferrous metals may indicate
wear on the steel and cast iron parts of the engine.
Nonferrous metals may indicate wear on the
aluminum parts, brass parts, or bronze parts of the
engine. Parts that may be affected include the
following items: main bearings, rod bearings and
turbocharger bearings.
Due to normal wear and friction, it is not
uncommon to find small amounts of debris in the
oil filter.
Illustration 35
Typical example
Clean sealing surface of the oil filter base (2).
Apply clean engine oil to O ring seal (3) for the new
oil filter.
Do not fill the oil filters with oil before installing them.
This oil would not be filtered and could be contami-
nated. Contaminated oil can cause accelerated wear
to engine components.