Date: 10.12.2004
Revision: 0
Page: 16
Performance Variable e.K. Am Tower 16, 54634 Bitburg
slider stops over line groups and install lines on links as shown. Tighten barrel
only lightly finger tight—don’t snug down the barrels yet. (Or use Soft links see page 15)
Perform a thorough line check at this point, making absolutely sure that the canopy is
straight. After the links are tightened with locking compound (
LOCtite, Permanex or
), it will be very difficult to correct any errors.
When you are sure the canopy is straight, unscrew the barrel and put one drop of
locking compound on the threads. Immediately tighten finger tight, and torque to 30 inch/
lbs. To accurately gauge this, place a 5-lb. (2.27-kg) weight on a wrench, 6 inches (15.2
cm) from the link. When the wrench is horizontal and the barrel no longer turns, the link
is fully tightened. Never tighten more than 30 inch/lbs. Clean off any excess thread lock
with a clean, dry rag. Do not use water or solvents.
Make a small match mark along the barrel and the link as shown. This mark will serve
as an easy method to check for tightness. If the match mark remains intact, then the
barrel is still in place. If the upper and lower parts of the mark become mis-aligned, then
the barrel has shifted. Should this happen, the link must be immediately disassembled,
cleaned and inspected. If no damage has occurred, the riser/link/line assembly may be
reattached according to steps 1 through 5.
When the match mark is dry, slide slider stops over links until the lower edge of the
rubber tubing touches the top of the riser as shown. These stops are important in that
they help keep the lines in the correct position on the link.
Without these stops, the links could fail due to improper/uneven loading. The stops must
be tacked to the link with two turns of doubled seal thread. If webbing stops are supplied,
install them the same way.
Periodic Maintenance: The links should not be checked for tightness with a wrench.
Instead, use the match mark. If the mark stays in alignment, then the links are properly
tightened. If not, follow the steps in #7.
Plastic slider stops
Small match mark
Tack slider stops
Webbing Stops