1. Check the Hydraulic Fluid Level, following
the instructions in the Bleeding the pump
section, if needed.
2. Determine which direction the frame
needs to be bent.
3. Remove any obstructions that could be
damaged or are in the way.
Note: When using the Pump (1) in a verti-
cal position, keep the Hose (3) end
of the Pump downward.
4A. Using Ram (2):
a. Connect the appropriate Base
(13,15,17) to the stationary side of
the Ram (2), and connect the ap-
propriate head to the pushing end of
the Ram.
NOTICE During shipment or handling, air in the pump can become trapped in the
hydraulic system causing the pump to malfunction.
Bleeding The Pump:
1. Set Pump (1) flat on a level surface.
2. Remove the Fill Screw (A). The O-ring (B) should come off with it.
3. The fluid level should be near the bottom of the opening. If required, add high grade
hydraulic fluid.
4. Make sure the O-ring (B) is still in place around the Fill Screw (A) and thread the Fill
Screw into the Pump securely. Do not use thread seal tape.
5. Firmly close the Release Valve (C) by turning it clockwise.
6. Press the tip of the Coupling (D) against a hard surface and pump the pump handle.
7. Continue pumping, until the hydraulic fluid coming out the end of the coupler tip is free
of air bubbles.
8. Recheck the fluid level and add fluid if
9. Turn the Release Valve counterclock-
wise to release the pressure in the pump
and hose.
10. Change the hydraulic fluid yearly.
Remove the Fill Screw (A) and tilt the
Pump (1) to drain out the old fluid. Refill
the hydraulic fluid and bleed the system
several times to ensure all air is out of
the system.
Fig. 4
WARNING: Read and understand all the previous sections before use of this product. Failure to
comply with those sections may result in serious personal injury and/or property damage!
Note: When repairing larger body panel
dents such as a dented door, fender
or quarter-panel use the Rubber
Head (11) on the pushing end.
b. If using the Flange Base (15) or
Flange Head (14): Thread the Flange
Base onto the Ram completely and
align the Flange Head to it. The
Flange Base and Flange Head must
only be used together to prevent off-
center load.
c. Position the Ram (2) so that the Base
is resting against a frame member
opposite the damaged area. It must
also be in line with the direction in
which the damaged area needs to
be pushed. The vehicle body part