Operator’s
Manual
Pentruder
CW630
Chain
Saw
–
Original
instructions
Page
General
safety
instructions
3.3
‐
-
Cutting
in
a
power
line
which
is
energized
can
result
in
serious
injury
and
even
to
fatal
injuries.
The
chain
saw
can
get
energized.
circuit
breaker
cannot
protect
against
this
danger.
-
Diamond
chain
breakage
can
result
in
high
‐
speed
ejection
of
parts,
which
can
result
in
death
or
serious
personal
injury
to
operators
or
bystanders.
The
items
listed
below
are
critical
to
minimizing
the
risk
of
diamond
chain
breakage
and
injury.
-
The
machine
is
state
of
the
art
and
follows
the
present
regulations.
However,
incorrect
handling
of
the
machine
can
result
in
serious
or
even
fatal
injury
to
the
operator
and
persons
in
proximity
of
the
machine.
-
All
persons
which
are
operating
or
in
any
way
working
on
the
machine
has
to
read
and
understand
the
whole
Operator’s
Manual
and
especially
the
safety
instructions,
before
any
work
is
commenced.
It
is
the
obligation
of
the
employer
to
make
sure
that
the
operator
really
has
received
the
information
necessary
to
operate
and
take
care
of
the
machine
in
a
correct
and
safe
way.
-
Good
working
practice
should
always
be
used
along
with
common
sense.
Tractive
cannot
foresee
every
possible
situation
and
this
manual
is
not
a
substitute
for
professional
skills
and
experience.
-
The
machine
may
only
be
operated
and
serviced
by
authorized
and
trained
personnel.
The
personnel
should
be
trained
by
personnel
authorized
by
Tractive.
-
Pentruder
machine
used
in
the
correct
way
is
a
safe
and
efficient
tool.
If
the
machine
is
used
improperly
this
can
expose
the
operator
and
other
persons
staying
in
the
same
area
to
extreme
danger
or
even
risk
of
fatal
injuries.
-
The
user
is
liable
that
the
machine
is
in
faultless
condition
and
that
all
functions
are
in
order
before
work
is
commenced.
-
To
maintain
the
level
of
safety
inherent
in
the
design
of
this
machine,
only
Tractive
original
parts
may
be
fitted.
Tractive
disclaims
all
responsibility
for
damages
occurring
as
a
result
of
use
of
non
‐
original
parts.
-
Modifications
or
changes
on
the
machine
are
not
allowed.
-
Before
any
kind
of
service
on
the
machine
is
commenced,
the
machine
must
always
be
disconnected
from
the
electric
power
supply.
-
The
machine
may
not
be
used
in
an
environment
where
explosion
protected
equipment
is
demanded.
-
Tractive
disclaims
all
responsibility
for
damages
to
persons
and
/
or
property
resulting
from
use
of
the
machine,
whether
they
are
caused
by
faulty
handling
or
from
damages
that
have
occurred
as
a
consequence
of
negligent
or
faulty
maintenance,
or
as
a
consequence
of
failure
to
check
and
control
the
machine
with
regard
to
damages
and
/
or
faults.
-
operate
a
diamond
chain
saw
with
a
damaged,
modified,
broken
or
missing
side
cover
or
mud
flap.
The
side
cover
and
mud
flap
provide
protection
against
contact
with
moving
parts,
ejected
debris,
broken
diamond
chain,
thrown
water
and
concrete
slurry.
-
insert
the
saw
into
a
slot
narrower
than
the
chain
segments.
Rapid
pushback
might
occur.
Reference:
Most
diamond
segments
are
5.72
mm
(.225)
wide.
-
use
the
side
cover
as
a
replacement
cover
for
another
saw.
-
use
damaged,
modified
or
improperly
repaired
chain.