Operator’s manual Pentruder
3P8 HF-wire saw and Pentpak - Original instructions
Thank you very much for your confidence in our product! You have chosen to invest in a product which will give you
many years of efficient and profitable production. The Pentruder 3P8 HF-wire saw has been developed based on over 30
years of experience in this specialized field. With correct handling it offers outstanding performance, safety and
It is essential that all personnel working with or in close proximity of the machine
have read and understood the contents of this manual, including the Appendix for
Wireless Remote Control: Hectronic User’s Manual, before commencing
operations. Please take careful note of the Safety Precautions.
The operator’s manual should be kept where the machine is.
To avoid serious or even fatal injury to the operator and persons in close proximity
of the machine, it is important that the machine always is operated by trained,
responsible personnel.
By reading and understanding the manual the operator will be able to take advantage of the many features and benefits
of the Pentruder 3P8 HF-wire saw.
We are confident that your investment in this equipment and its many design features will enhance your business
competitive edge and profitability!
Validity of this operator’s manual
This operator’s manual is only valid for the Pentruder 3P8 HF-wire saw as described in Chapter 2. Tractive AB always
strives to improve the products. Therefore we reserve the right to make technical changes without previous information.
In the following operator’s manual, “the machine”, “wire saw” or “Pentruder 3P8” is used to refer to the complete
machine as listed in Chapter 2.
Should questions arise, please contact our sales distributor. The address can be found at www.pentruder.com.
Serial number
High Frequency Wire Saw
Make and type:
Pentruder 3P8
Drive system:
Pentpak High Frequency Power Pack
Type of drive system: 427 / 422 / 418 / 222 / 218 / 200
Drive motor:
Type of drive motor:
18, 22 or 27 kW HF-motor
As listed in Chapter 2.
Remote control:
Cable or Wireless Remote Control
Pentruder Distributor
Tractive AB
Gjutargatan 54
S-781 70 Borlänge
Phone: +46 (0)243 - 22 11 55
Fax: +46 (0)243 - 22 11 80
E-mail: info@tractive.se
Web: www.tractive.se