button at the base of the camera to disengage the film transport mechanism and exposure counter. Advance the rapid wind lever to cock the shutter, adjust
the exposure as required and press the shutter release to take the second exposure. Press the rewind/multiple exposure button once again for each
additional exposure on the same frame.
The random access feature of the LX camera's twoway exposure counter enables you to produce multiple exposures on any frame as long as the film has
not been wound off the take-up spool. As an exlirnple, let's say after reaching frame 15 you decide to double expose the image on frame 10. To do so,
1. Push the film rewind/multiple exposure button.
2. Lift the film rewind crank and wind the film back until the 9 index appears in the exposure counter window.
3. Cover the lens with the lens cap, advance the rapid wind lever, set the shutter dial to a manual speed to avoid long exposures and press the shutter
release button.
4. Advance the rapid wind lever until the "10" appears in the exposure counter window and make the second exposure.
If you wish to make double exposures on the remaining frames, or again on the same frame, you must press the film rewind/multiple exposure button once
again for each additional exposure. To return to the original frame without exposing the images already on film, cover the lens with the lens cap and
advance the rapid wind lever until the 15 index appears in the exposure counter window. You will return to the original position on the frame within a
0.2mm tolerance.
Using a Tripod
The tripod socket at the base of the LX camera is designed to accept standard tripod
threads having a depth no greater than 5.5mm (0.22 in.). To prevent any possibility
of damage to the camera's internal mechanisms, do not use tripods with longer
mounting screws and always avoid overtightening.
Tripod Spacer
To ensure proper tripod mounting when using lenses having a large diameter, insert
the SPacer Ring which comes packed with the camera between the camera base and
tripod platform.
Time Exposures at "B"
Although time exposures are possible in both the automatic and manual mode, use
the "B" (Bulb) shutter speed setting to make long exposures in extremely low light
levels for special creative effects. At this setting the shutter remains open as long as
the shutter release button is depressed. When shooting at "B," always mount your
camera to a tripod or other stable support and use a cable release whenever possible
to minimize camera vibration. For exposures longer than several minutes, a locking
cable release is recommended.