Quick Help/Reference Manual
This manual is created just aiming to support the Pentax LX users who has lost his original manual or for those who has just bought a used unit in
the secondary used market. We would still advise anyone who wishes to acquire a complete official manual either from Jebsen & Jebsen, local distributor
for Pentax cameras or write to Asahi Optical Co Ltd for a copy. Creator of this site will not be responsible for the accuracy of the content within.
In the US:
Pentax Corporation
35 Inverness Drive East
Post Office Box 6509
Englewood, Colorado 80155-6509
(800) 877-0155, (303) 799-8000
[email protected]
In Japan:
Pentax Optical Co Ltd
Pentax, Pentax LX, Asahi Optical, Asahiflex and other trade names mentioned in this site are registered trademarks of the respective companies.
1. Two-way exposure counter
2. Shutter button lock
3. Shutter button
4. Rapid wind lever
5. Shutter dial
6. Shutter-cocked indicator
7. Aperture window
8. Multi-function lever
9. Lever release button
10. Lever index
11. Lens release button
12. Lens mount
13. Lens alignment index
14. Instant return mirror