Step 3: Download images or movie clips
When the digital camera is turned on and connected to your computer, it is considered to be a disk drive,
just like a floppy disk or CD. You can download (transfer) images by copying them from the “Removable
disk” (“untitled” or “unlabeled” disk on a Macintosh) to your computer hard drive.
Open the “removable disk” and double click on the DCIM folder to open it to find more folders. Your
images are inside these folder(s). Select the desired still images or movie clips and then choose “Copy”
from the “Edit” menu. Open the destination location (folder) and choose “Paste” from the “Edit” menu.
You may also drag and drop image files from the digital camera to a desired location.
Open the “untitled” disk icon, and the destination location on your hard disk. Drag and drop from the
digital camera to the desired destination.
Memory card users may prefer to use a memory card reader (highly recommended).
Movie playback application is not included with the package. Make sure that movie playback application has
been installed in your computer.