Cleaner floats above pool floor?
a. Check for excess water pressure and adjust to 25-28 PSI.
b. Stainless steel nose may need adjustment to 1/2" off the floor.
Cleaner isn't moving?
a. Be sure filter system and booster pump are on and working properly.
b. Check and clean wall fitting filter screen.
c. Check for damaged and/or leaking feed hose(s) and replace as necessary.
d. Grit may accumulate in the wheel bearings. Use a strong stream of water to spray the wheel
bearings while forcefully rotating the wheels back and forth in both directions until they spin freely.
Cleaner moving very slowly?
a. Check and clean filters.
b. Check and clean wall fitting filter screen.
c. Grit may accumulate in the wheel bearings. Use a strong stream of water to spray the wheel
bearings while forcefully rotating the wheels back and forth in both directions until they spin freely.
d. Check hoses for leaks and replace worn parts as necessary.
e. Check condition of tires and replace worn parts as necessary. Tires have a notch as a wear indicator.
Replace tires when notch is gone.
Cleaner falling over or lying on its side?
a. This usually indicates the bag needs to be emptied.
Cleaner doesn't pick up sand or silt?
a. Use the Sand & Silt fine mesh bag (JV32).
Hose tangles?
a. Feed hose may be too long. Review FEEDER HOSE ASSEMBLY on Page 6 to verify that the
instructions were carefully followed.
b. Check hose swivels to make sure they turn freely, and replace any that will not.
Cleaner stays in deep end or does not climb?
a. Lower stainless steel wheel from current setting down one notch (use Phillips screwdriver).
b. Set unit on deck. Stainless steel wheel should be 1/2 inch from deck.
c. Place Jet-Vac into pool.
Your problem or question isn't mentioned here?
a. See your local pool dealer, or
b. Contact Pentair Pool Products, Inc., weekdays at 1-800-831-7133