114605-001 - Product Manual - #1557 Infrared Construction Heater - Revision 09 - 11-11-2014
Page 11
4.2 - General Safety Information
The heater is not recommended for home or recreational vehicle use. The heater
should not be used in aerial bucket truck.
Do not use heater in a space where gasoline or other liquids having flammable
vapors are present.
Heater produces radiant infrared heat which is an open flame. Keep solid com
bustibles, such as building materials, paper or cardboard, a safe distance away from the heater
as recommended. Never use the heater in spaces which may contain volatile or airborne com-
bustibles, dust particles, paint, thinner, solvents or unknown chemicals.
Safety Precautions:
It is necessary to follow these safety precautions, each time, prior to using the product.
The Safety Precautions are not limited to, but must include the following items;
Do not use the heater for anything other than its intended use.
This heater is designed to function as a two-stage regulator system. A first stage regulator is required at the
bottle dropping the pressure down to 10 P.S.I. (pounds per square inch). The regulator built into the unit then drops
the 10 P.S.I. down to 11” WC (water column).
Make sure all L.P. fittings are tight. Only a pipe joint compound that is resistant to liquified petroleum gases should be
The propane bottle must be vapor draw style, DOT (for U.S.) or CTC (for Canada) approved, 20 or 40 lbs gas cylin
der. Do not use a forklift or liquid withdrawal cylinder. Use only LPG (propane) fuel.
Propane gas is very flammable. Propane is scented and its strong odor is readily detectable. If a gas odor is detected
at any time, do not operate or continue to operate the unit until the source of the gas odor has been located. In the
event of a leak, propane is heavier than air and will accumulate in low areas.
Never strike a match, create a spark
or flame when you smell gas
. Move the heater outside and ventilate the area. Find and correct the source of the
leak before attempting to light the heater. If the leak cannot be corrected, do not tamper with the heater. Turn the
heater off and consult the manufacturer or a qualified technician.
Do not lean over the heater when lighting
. When lighting with a match, light through the hole provided on the side
of the reflector.
Do not light at the orifice.
Do not move, handle or service the unit while hot or burning. Permanent skin tissue damage can occur if contact is
made with the unit. Let the heater cool down after is has been shut off.
Never direct this infrared construction heater toward any LP gas cylinder within 20ft. The heater must be a minimum
of six feet from any LP Gas cylinder. keep away from fabric or combustibles.
refer to clearance table below for
. Survey the work area for an potential hazards and correct them before operating the heater.
Unit should be used in a well ventilated area. When heater is in use, a positive air displacement of at least 4-CFM
per 1,000 BTUH of the heaters rated output should be provided.
Heater should be inspected before each use and at least annually by a qualified service agency.
Heater Clearance
Discharge End (Front)