Pelactiv Ultrasonic System
Do you have any sensitive or problem areas?
Eg: Sore nose from a cold?
- If this is the case feel free to continue with your treatment but be aware to
avoid these types of areas as they will be extremely sensitive.
Have you used a facial scrub in the last 12 hours?
- Prior use of a scrub can lessen the skins tolerance to the Pelactiv System.
Men – have you shaved in the last two hours?
- The skin will be sensitive when it has just been shaved. Monitor the length of
time you treat that area, preferably treating it last.
Are you using any Retin A or Retinol Creams?
- Retin A and Retinol Creams exfoliate the skin. Retin A will make the skin very
sensitive and therefore the Ultrasonic Serum System will not be suitable as
irritation may occur.
Record client details on the client record card.