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Adjusting the CAN Bit Rate
To successfully establish a connection to a CAN bus,
the bit rate used by the PCAN-Diag must correspond
to the one on the bus. The setting is done in the
Device Settings
area with one of the
following entries:
CAN bitrate
Manual selection of a bit rate from a list.
Detect CAN bitrate
Automatic detection of the bit rate (only possible when
there‘s CAN traffic on the connected bus).
Receiving and Transmitting
Displaying Incoming CAN Messages
Navigate to the
CAN Data
Receive Messages
menu entry. Incoming CAN messages are displayed
as a list, sorted by the CAN ID (column ID). The
representation of the CAN data bytes (D0…D7) is in
hexadecimal format.
Transmitting CAN Messages
Navigate to the
CAN Data
Manage Transmit Lists
menu entry. Here you
can create transmit lists with one or more CAN messages:
Enable the transmit list entry with the corresponding check box.
By clicking on the name, you can edit the transmit list. On this page you can insert
single messages with
on the right side or edit an existing one with
Afterwards, edit the period for repeated transmission of the list in the
Cycle time(ms)
Close the page with
For the transmission of the list open
CAN Data
Transmit Messages
. Here you
can start and stop the CAN transmission by clicking on the name of the list.