Figure 46 System Settings
3.8.1 Auto Save
When turn on the function of auto-save, it will automatically save data
when measured, or it is required to manual click
to save as shown in
Figure 38.
3.8.2 Measurement Aperture
Depending on the model, your colour meter has a measuring aperture of 4 or 8 mm.
The PCE-CSM 20 has an aperture of 8 mm, the standard aperture for the
PCE-CSM 21 is 4 mm. However, that model can also be supplied with an 8 mm aperture.
The PCE-CSM 22 has a 4 mm as well as an 8 mm aperture.
When the area of
measured sample is large and uniformity, it is recommended to use 8mm aperture,
while it is small, recommenced 4mm aperture.
Switch aperture is required to follow the three steps.
Step 1: As shown in Figure 47, counterclockwise rotates the measurement
aperture, and take off it, then install the new aperture clockwise. When