No output
No power
Loose or dirty connections
Circuit opens or shorts
Faulty or improper wiring
No load applied
Erratic or Improper Readings
Excitation voltage drift
Electrical noise
Loose fixturing
Circuit opens or shorts
Improper torque applied
Cable too long
Blinking Display
Overload condition
Open circuit
Zero Balance
Torque applied to sensor
Overloaded or side-loaded sensor
Open circuit
Improper electrical connections
Zero Shift
Fixture preload
Faulty or improper wiring
Improper tare
Zero Drift
Unconditioned power supply
Circuit opens or shorts
Loose wiring
RFI/EMI interface
Temperature change
Damaged or Deformed Equipment
Improper use
Often overlooked by the customer, is the error due
to the presence of non-measured forces and bending
moments. Even Though the Single Axis of
Measurement sensors are designed and built to
withstand these non-measured forces and bending
moments (extraneous loads), the errors due to them
are present. PCB engineers can design the set-up to
eliminate or minimize these extraneous loads.
However, if these extraneous loads are present, the
errors due to them should be considered. Due to
cost restraints, the Force/Torque Division, as with
its competition, does not typically measure or
compensate for errors due to extraneous loads. If
the presences of these extraneous loads are known,
the user should request the transducer manufacturer
to run a special test, at extra cost, to define and
quantify the extraneous load errors. These errors are
defined as cross-talk errors.
Error Analysis
The Force/Torque Division typically supplies
accuracy information on its products in the form of
individual errors (see specification sheet). They are:
Non-Linearity, Hysteresis, Non-Repeatability,
Effect of Temperature on Zero, and Effect of
Temperature on Output.
The customer can combine these individual errors to
establish the maximum possible error for the
measurement or just examine the applicable
individual error. If the temperature remains stable
during the test, temperature related errors may be
ignored. If the sensor is used for increasing load
measurement only, ignore the Hysteresis error. If
the load measurement is near the full capacity, the
linearity error can be ignored. If the capability exists
to correct the data through linearization-fit or a
look-up-table, the error in the measurement can be
minimized. A sophisticated user can get rid of all
the errors except for the non-repeatability error in
the measurement.
Routine maintenance, such as cleaning of electrical
connectors, housings, and mounting surfaces with
solutions and techniques that will not harm the
physical material of construction is acceptable.