Technical Reference Booklet
Fan Power Connectors:FAN1&FAN2
The FAN1 (processor fan), FAN2 (system fan) support system cool-ing
fan with +12V.It supports three-pin head connector. When connecting the
wire to the connectors, always take note that the red wire is the positive and
should be connected to the +12V, the black wire is Ground and should be
connected to GND. If the mainboard has a System Hardware Monitor chipset
on-board, you must use a specially designed fan with speed sensor to take
advantage of the CPU fan control.
WOL: Wake On LAN
If you have installed a LAN card, use the cable provied with the card to plug
into the mainboard WOL connector. This enables ables the Wake On LAN
(WOL) feature. When your system is in a power-saving mode, any LAN signal
automatically resumes the system.You must enable this item using the Power
Mannagement page of the Setup Utility.