Floppy Drive
If you have two diskette drives installed and you
enable this item, drive A becomes drive B and
drive B becomes drive A.
Floppy Drive
If you enable this item, your system will check the
diskette drives at start up time. Disable this item
unless you are using an old 360K diskette drive.
Password Check
If you have installed a password on your system,
use this item to determine if the password is
required to enter the setup utility (
) or
required at start-up time and to enter the setup
utility (
Boot to OS/2
Over 64MB
Enable this item if you are booting the OS/2
operating system and you have more than 64MB
of memory installed.
Internal Cache
Leave this item enabled since all the processors
that can be installed on this board have internal
cache memory.
External Cache
Leave this item enabled since this mainboard is
installed with external cache memory.
System BIOS
If you enable this item, a segment of the system
BIOS will be cached to main memory for faster
Video 32K
When this item is enabled, 32 kilobytes of the
system video BIOS is copied to system memory
from where it can execute more rapidly.
Refresh Queue
This item determines the operation of the
memory refresh timing. We recommend that you
leave this item at the default value.
Graphic Win Size
This item determines the operation of the
onboard graphics adapter. We recommend that
you leave this item at the default value.
CAS Latency
This item determines the operation of the main
memory CAS (column address strobe). We
recommend that you leave this item at the default