1. Fill the foam solution tank with the proper mixture of water and an approved foam concentrate, according to the foam
concentrate's manufacturer.
2. Do Not use dish soap, hand soap, or any other unapproved solution in the turf foam marker.
3. Flip the control switch to turn on the turf foam marker unit.
4. Allow approximately 30 seconds for the foam to reach the discharge tube. Do Not attempt to adjust the foam discharge rate.
This rate is preset and should never need to be adjusted.
5. Please note: the 2.5 gallon capacity tank has an average foaming time of 90 minutes.
6. To turn off the turf foam marker, simply flip the control switch.
IMPORTANT: If you are operating the turf foam marker in temperatures below 32 degrees, it is recommended that you add 20%
RV non-toxic antifreeze to the foaming solution. This will guard against freezing and breakdowns.
Operating Instructions
Before operating the turf foam marker, it is important that you read this entire manual and know all safety precautions. It is also
recommended that you do a thorough inspection of the turf foam marker before operation. Prior to use, ensure that all hoses are
attached and undamaged and that the wiring harnesses are properly plugged together and connected to an adequate power source.
WARNING: Do NOT use engine antifreeze. Engine antifreeze can be harmful to humans, animals, crops, and the environment.