International pbi S.p.A
Instruction Manual
29/08/05 Rev. 1
The new “PYRAMID” flowcheck is a new easy-to-use, battery operated system that is applied to calibrate all the air
samplers of the “SAS” family.
This instrument is composed of two separate units, a fan and a flowmeter. The perfect balanced fan has a special
rubidium-made bearings that generate an electromagnetic field proportional to the fan speed. The flowmeter measures
this electromagnetic field and then calculates the exact air flow that is passing through the fan.
The “Pyramid” flowcheck system can display the airflow either in litres per minutes (L) or cubic feet per minute (CF).
The precision of the measured value is for “SAS Super 100” air s/- 3 litres, for “SAS Super 180” air sampler
+/- 4 litres.
The internal battery life is approximately 3 years under normal operative conditions.
Weight:890 grams
Measurement range: 70-200 litres per minute
Suggested operational temperature: +20°C (+/- 2°C)
Power supply: 3V type CR2032 lithium battery. The normal battery life is 30.000 measurements of 60 seconds
Reading: The LCD display can show the results in litres per minutes (L) or cubic feet per minute (CFM).