Management Methods
H P W e b J e t A d m i n U t i l i t y
This HP utility for Windows NT Advanced Server and Windows 2000 can be
downloaded from the HP web site (http://www.hp.com). Once it is installed, a
web browser on any computer that has access to the Windows NT/2000
server may be used to access the print server.
M i c r o s o f t
W i n d o w s
N e t w o r k C o n f i g u r a t i o n
The print server includes the easy-to-use ExtendNet Connect IP Monitor
software for printing from Windows computers over an 802.11b wireless link.
This software creates a network port on the Windows system, which acts like
a normal parallel port. As a result, it works transparently with any standard
Windows printer driver and application program. Because this software uses
the industry-standard TCP/IP protocol, it can be used with IP routers and
other IP-based equipment.
I n s t a l l i n g E x t e n d N e t C o n n e c t
Install the ExtendNet Connect IP Port Monitor by inserting the CD,
selecting Install PaxarNet Utilities, then Install ExtendNet Connect Port
Monitor. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete this installation.
Install the printer driver software according to the documentation for the
Click the Windows Start button, select Settings, and then Printers.
Right-Click on the printer you wish to associate with the network port,
and select Properties.
If you are using Windows NT/2000/XP, go to the Ports tab. If you are
using Windows 95/98/ME, go to the Details tab.
Click on Add Port.