Day save mode
The energiser operates at full power and fast
(fast at night)
speed during the night (pulses every 1.5 seconds)
and slow speed (pulses every 2.5 seconds) during
the day. This function is sensible with battery
operation, in order to save power, when night-
active animals (e.g. wild boar) are fenced out.
Night save mode
The energiser operates at full power and slow
(slow at night)
speed during the night (pulses every 2.5 seconds)
and fast speed (pulses every 1.5 seconds) during
the day. This function is sensible with battery
operation, in order to save power, when day-
active animals (e.g. cattle) are fenced in.
P4500/P4600 only
Low power
The energiser operates at half power and fast
Alarm feature deactivated speed (approximately 1.5 seconds between pulses).
(fast) At this position the alarm feature is inactive.
Full power
The energiser operates at full power and fast
speed (approximately 1.5 seconds between pulses).
P6000 only
Low power
The energiser operates at half power and fast
speed (approximately 1.5 seconds between pulses).
At this position the alarm feature is inactive.
Reading fence voltage
The Indicator lights show the voltage at the energiser's Fence full voltage terminal. Each
Indicator light segment represents an increment of approximately 1 kV (1,000 V) of output
voltage. For example, if the first eight Indicator light segments are illuminated at each pulse,
the output voltage is approximately 8 kV (8,000 V).
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