SmartNode 4660 and 4670 Series Overview
SmartNode 4660 & 4670 User Manual
1 • General Information
Key Features
The SmartNode 4660 and 4670 Series perform the following major functions:
Up to 24 channels for Voice-over-IP or Fax-over-IP (Voice Channels or VC)
All SN4660 and SN4670 models have four 10/100BaseT Ethernet LAN/WAN ports for connection to any
existing network device
Built-in IP Router delivers up and DownStreamQoS with adaptive traffic management and shaping as well
as Voice-over-VPN with AES/DES strong encryption for secure toll-quality voice communications
Standards-compliant VoIP in accordance with SIP or H.323 protocols
High Precision Clock (HPC)—Delivers DECT PBX interoperability with reliable fax performance.
(SN4661 & SN4671 versions only)
The SmartNode models with a high precision clock (SN4661 and SN4771) have a Stratum III clock. The Stra-
tum III clock provides a clock source of < 5 ppm. For PBXs that used to rely on PSTN for accurate clock
source, the SmartNode can provide a PSTN-equivalent high precision clock. The popular DECT PBX needs
such high precision clocks.