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• Synchronous or asynchronous operation
• Model 1065 supports data rates up to 64.0 kbps
• Two-wire/half duplex or four-wire/full or half duplex
• V.52 & V.54 test modes
• Equalization
• Anti-streaming timer
• Distances up to 12 miles (19.2 km)
• Point-to-point or multipoint
• Internal, external or received loopback clocking
• 2000 VAC transformer isolation & high speed surge protection
• Internal power supply
• Mono-color LED indicators
The Model 1065 Industrial Short Range Modem operates 2-wire
(half duplex) or 4-wire (full or half duplex), in synchronous or asyn-
chronous modes, over unconditioned telephone lines. The Model 1065
supports bit rates up to 64.0 kbps. The Model 1065 operates in syn-
chronous mode between the local and remote modems; when connect-
ed to an asynchronous RS-232 device, the Model 1065 SRM converts
the asynchronous data to synchronous data.
The Model 1065 has several features to enhance overall perform-
ance: equalization, anti-streaming timer, transformer isolation to guard
against data loss due to ground potential differences, and Silicon
Avalanche Diode surge protection to guard against data line transients.
The Model 1065 features V.52 compliant bit error rate pattern tests
and two V.54 test modes: local analog loopback and remote digital
loopback. The operator at the local end may test both local and
remote modems, plus the line, in the digital loopback mode. Both RDL
and LAL modes can be controlled by a manual switch or via the
V.24/RS-232 interface.
The Model 1065 is fairly simple to install and is ruggedly designed
for excellent reliability: just set it and forget it. The following instruc-
tions will help you set up and install the Model 1065 properly.
The Model 1065 uses 24 external mini DIP switches that allow
configuration to an extremely wide range of applications. These 24
DIP switches are grouped into three eight-switch sets, and are exter-
nally accessible from the underside of the unit (see Figure 1). Since all
configuration DIP switches are externally accessible, there is no need
to open the case for configuration.
The configuration switches allow you to select data rates, clocking
methods, V.52 & V.54 tests, word lengths, extended signaling rates,
async. or sync. mode, 2- or 4-wire operation, anti-stream control and
input impedance. The drawings, text and tables on the following pages
describe all switch locations, positions and functions.
Figure 1. Bottom view of Model 1065 Series, showing location of DIP switches