- 46 -
curvature or deformation during the charging
process or which show other non-typical sym-
ptoms (gassing, hissing, cracking,…)
12. Never fully discharge the battery pack (re-
commended depth of discharge max. 80%)
A complete discharge of the battery pack will
lead to premature ageing of the battery cells.
13. Never charge the batteries unsupervised.
Protection from environmental in
1. Wear suitable work clothes. Wear safety gog-
Protect your cordless tool and the battery
charger from moisture and rain.
and rain can cause dangerous cell damage.
3. Do not use the cordless tool or the battery
charger near vapors and in
ammable liquids.
4. Use the battery charger and cordless tools
only in dry conditions and an ambient tempe-
rature of 10-40°C.
5. Do not keep the battery charger in places
where the temperature is liable to reach over
40°C. In particular, do not leave the battery
charger in a car that is parked in the sunshine.
Protect batteries from overheating.
loads, over-charging and exposure to direct
sunlight will result in overheating and cell
damage. Never charge or work with batteries
which have been overheated – replace them
immediately if possible.
Storage of batteries, battery chargers
and cordless tools.
Store the charger and
your cordless tool only in dry places with an
ambient temperature of 10-40°C. Store your
lithium-ion battery pack in a cool, dry place at
a temperature of 10-20°C. Protect them from
humidity and direct sunlight. Only place fully
charged batteries in storage (charged at least
8. Prevent the lithium-ion battery pack from free-
zing. Battery packs which were stored below
0°C for more than 60 minutes must be dispo-
sed of.
9. When handling batteries beware of electro-
static charge: Electrostatic discharges cause
damage of the electronic protection system
and the battery cells. Avoid electrostatic char-
ging and never touch the battery poles.
Baumarkt AG
Batteries and cordless electric equipment con-
tain materials that are potentially harmful to the
environment. Do not place cordless equipment
in your household refuse. If the equipment beco-
mes defective or worn, remove the batteries and
take the equipment to your Hornbach store. If the
batteries cannot be removed, take the complete
cordless equipment. You can then be sure that
the equipment will be correctly disposed of by the
When shipping or disposing of batteries and
cordless tools, always ensure that they are
packed individually in plastic bags to prevent
short circuits and
Safety instructions for grass shears
Before you begin your work, examine the ma-
terial you want to cut. Remove any foreign bo-
dies. Keep a continuous watch out for foreign
bodies while you are working. If you come
across any foreign bodies while cutting, turn
off the device (release the ON button) and
remove the items in question.
Keep the device at a suitable distance from
your body while working. Only switch on the
device when all parts of the body are well out
of the way.
Make sure that no people or animals ever
come within the working or swiveling range of
the device.
Only use the device in broad daylight or make
sure that you provide adequate artificial light.
Important! The cutting tools continue running
on after the device has been switched off.
When the device is not in use, make sure that
it is stored in such a way that there is no risk
of hands coming into contact with the cutting
If the cutting blades get jammed while cutting,
turn off the device (release the ON button)
and remove the object in question (thick bran-
ch, foreign body) with a suitable blunt aid. Ne-
ver remove any such objects with your fingers
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16.10.14 13:23
16.10.14 13:23