installation & operation
all wiring information is
stated on the eleCtriC motor
and on the pressure switCh
or proVided with the magnetiC
starter, if supplied.
serViCe personnel Cannot, by
law, proVide any wiring information.
wiring ... Continued
any warranty claims for electrical components can only
be considered when submitted with proof of proper
electrical installation.
before operating the air Compressor
Check to see that nuts and bolts are all snug.
Check if the quantity and quality of oil is correct.
If the intake filters are dirty, they should be replaced or cleaned.
please CheCK the following Carefully:
Compressor lubriCation
always CheCK the oil leVel and
Quality before start–up. do
not add or Change oil while
the unit is running.use only
reCommended non-detergent oil.
reCommended oil.
eagle compressor oil:
#EAOIL 10 (1 Litre)
eagle compressor oil:
#EAOIL 40 (4 Litres).
* Compressor originally filled with SAE 20W oil (ISO 68)