2. Usage of valet function with ignition key (it is the default setting of the alarm, this
function operates in that case too, if the PIN code emergency switch OFF function is program
for 3. operating opportunity, the PIN code emergency switch OFF on ignition key ON,
automaticaly operation):
Activation of the Valet function:
In disarmed alarm case, turn ON and OFF the
ignition key as any time as per the first digit of
the PIN code. The LED switches ON when you turn
ON the ignition key and after the first digit you
have to wait to switch OFF the LED. After that
immediately turn ON and OFF the ignition key as
many time as per the second digit.
After the LED switch OFF, turn ON and OFF the
ignition key as many time as per the third digit.
The LED flashes some times, signed the switching
ON of the valet function.
Deactivation of the Valet function:
Turn ON and OFF the ignition key as any time as
per the first digit of the PIN code. The LED
switches ON when you turn ON the ignition key
and after the first digit you have to wait to switch
OFF the LED. After that immediately turn ON and
OFF the ignition key as many time as per the
second digit.
After the LED switch OFF, turn ON and OFF the
ignition key as many time as per the third digit.
After that the valet function will be in switched
OFF status.
To remind that the Valet function is active the LED on the dashboard will flash twice at any time one
turns on the ignition key.
3. Usage of valet function with brake pedal/hand brake (this function operates, if the PIN
code emergency switch OFF function is program for the 2. operating opportunity, the PIN
code emergency switch OFF with usage of brake pedal/hand brake operation):
Activation of the Valet function:
In disarmed alarm case, turn ON the ignition key,
and push/draw the brake pedal/hand brake as
many time as the first digit of the PIN code (the
brake pedal/hand brake operate with CAN-BUS si-
gnals not in every car types, therefore they can’t
be used for valet function not in every cars!) Du-
ring push/draw of the brake pedal/hand brake the
LED switches ON, after the first digit, you have to
wait to switch OFF the LED.
After that immediately you have to push/draw the
brake pedal/hand brake as many time as the se-
cond digit.
Deactivation of the Valet function:
Turn ON the ignition key, and push/draw the
brake pedal/hand brake as many time as the first
digit of the PIN code. During push/draw of the
brake pedal/hand brake the LED switches ON, af-
ter the first digit, you have to wait to switch OFF
the LED.
After that immediately you have to push/draw the
brake pedal/hand brake as many time as the se-
cond digit.
After the LED switching OFF you have to
push/draw the brake pedal/hand brake as many
time as the third digit. After that the valet
December 2010.