Contact us for assistance: (866) 985-7877 |
BEForE You BEGin
Before beginning assembly, make sure all parts are present. Compare parts received with the “Parts List.” If any part
is missing or damaged, do NOT attempt to assemble the product. Please read and understand this entire manual
before attempting to assemble, operate or install this product. If you have any questions regarding the product,
please call us toll-free at
(866) 985-7877
, email us at
, or go online and live chat at
. Our hours are:
9 a.m. – 6 p.m., EST, Monday – Friday
GEnEraL inForMaTion
Before storing, make sure that your umbrella is completely dry and clean. This will help prevent mildew and
accelerated wear.
Store in a dry and well ventilated location.
Keep instructions in a safe place for future reference.
SaFETY inForMaTion
Take some time to read this instruction manual. Make sure that all components are included. closely follow the
instructions in this manual. Keep instructions available for later use.
Keep children and pets away while setting up the umbrella.
Store umbrella out of reach of children.
Do not assemble the umbrella on sandy, muddy, or loose soil.
For safe use, always install umbrella in a base (not included).
Do not use the umbrella in heavy winds or rain.
Do not light any fire under or near the umbrella.
Do not attach any weights to the umbrella.
Before assembling, check to make sure all parts listed have are present.
assemble the umbrella under normal weather conditions only.
umbrella fabric is designed to provide temporary shade—it is noT waterproof. in the event of rain, close your
umbrella to prevent damage.
Please use extreme caution when interacting with any of your umbrella’s electrical components to avoid shock
and potential serious injury or even death.
cLEaninG anD carE
if your umbrella must be cleaned, do so only using mild detergent. Do not use harsh detergents, abrasives, or
bleach and Do noT machine wash.
always close your umbrella when not in use. This will preserve your umbrella for longer use.