M o d e l Y e a r 2 0 1 2
M a v e r i c k B o a t C o m p a n y , I n c . • 3 2 0 7 I n d u s t r i a l 2 9 t h S t . • F o r t P i e r c e ,
F l o r i d a 3 4 9 4 6 • ( 7 7 2 ) - 4 6 5 - 0 6 3 1 o r ( 8 8 8 ) - s h a l l o w • F a x : ( 7 7 2 ) 4 8 9 - 2 1 6 8
Prop selection on your Pathfinder 2300 HPS is determined by your local Pathfinder dealer but based on recommendations
made by Pathfinder Boat Company and Yamaha Marine to give your boat the maximum overall performance. Different
prop designs may improve performance or can be tailored to enhance specifics of boat and motor performance.
For instance, a prop with a smaller pitch will increase speed out of the hole (jumping onto plane) but will produce a
decreased overall speed compared to a prop with a larger pitch. Four or five bladed props may increase overall speed or
allow the boat to run shallower, and some props can decrease cavitation at high speeds. Your individual prop needs will
determine the prop design and size that best fits your performance requirements.
Always inspect the engine and prop prior to launching your boat. Key prop issues include tangled fishing line or other
types of debris, cracked blades or fluid leaking out of the seal. Look for fishing line tangled around the prop or lower unit
seal. Consult your Yamaha Owner’s Manual to address these issues.
A standard jackplate has been installed on your Pathfinder 2300 HPS to improve shallow water performance. A jackplate
allows the motor to be trimmed straight up as opposed to the angled trimming of the stock engine trim motor, thus allowing
more prop to remain in the water while running.
Jackplates have very specific applications and performance requirements. Before operating your boat, you should
carefully review your jackplate owner’s manual and your Yamaha engine manual.
*NOTE--The installation of a hydraulic jackplate greatly increases the amount of stress on the back of the boat.
For this reason, we recommend all boats rigged with jackplates should also have a transom saver or other
transom supporting device to minimize the stress on the entire transom area. Transom supporting devices can
be purchased from your local Pathfinder dealer or boating and trailer supply stores