Tracheostomy tube changes sometimes create swelling of the
surrounding tissues in your airway. When you have your tracheostomy
tube changed, you might find it helpful to wait a day or so before
wearing the PMV
again to allow any swelling to go down.
3. When the PMV is on the tracheostomy tube, I seem to start
coughing and sometimes the PMV will pop right off of my
tracheostomy tube. What should I do?
PMV users have reported that they will cough when wearing the
PMV, especially when they first put the PMV on their tracheostomy
instead of out of the tracheostomy tube and they are feeling secretions
the PMV will pop off of the tracheostomy tube. When this happens,
is needed. After suctioning, place the PMV back on the tracheostomy
tube. Be sure to put the PMV on the tracheostomy tube using a firm
PMV Placement
force the PMV onto the tracheostomy tube.
through the mouth when the PMV is on and that they don’t need to be
suctioned as often.
4. I coughed the PMV off my tracheostomy tube because I had
secretions that needed to be removed and now my tracheostomy
tube and/or mouth have been suctioned and the PMV is put back
on my tracheostomy tube. As soon as the PMV is put back on my
tube, I start to cough very hard and cannot seem to stop and/or
the PMV pops off again. What should I do?
indicate that there is a blockage in the airway which will need to be
can continue to be used.
5. The PMV is making a “honking” noise. What do I do?
If you have been using the PMV for two months or more, this sound
indicates that it is time to replace the PMV. If you have been using the
PMV for less than two months, put it through one cleaning cycle as
Cleaning, Care and Lifetime of the PMV
further information.
6. My tracheostomy tube does not have a 15mm hub to attach the
. What do I do?
You can use an endotracheal tube (ETT) connector sized to fit your
Use of the PMVs with Different Types of Tracheostomy
Your healthcare professional can help you to get this connector.
7. No voice or very little voice is being produced while the PMV is
being worn. What do I do?
and sound. The vocal cords may be weak from not using them if the
tracheostomy tube has been in place for a while. In addition, there
may be weakness of the
which can reduce the amount of
breath support you have when you speak which can make your voice
sound soft and weak. If this is the first time the PMV is being used,
remember that sometimes it takes time and practice to coordinate
PMV is on and then open your mouth and say “ahhhh”
saying each number. Try this a few times.
If no voice can be produced, an evaluation of the vocal cords by an
Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor may be needed to rule out vocal cord
a smaller tube in the airway to allow more air to reach the vocal cords.
A speech-language pathologist is often consulted to help improve voice
and speech production. Young children should be encouraged to play
games that help them practice blowing air through the mouth (e.g.,
blowing bubbles, whistles, horns, etc.). You can also encourage them to
imitate sounds that you make while they are wearing the PMV.
8. Why is a doctor’s prescription needed to obtain a PMV?
during breathing. It is important that your airway status be evaluated
carefully by a doctor to make sure that you have a properly sized