Version 1.0
4. Card Operation
4.1 Owner Card
The role of the Owner card is to delete the Master card registration. Therefore, Owner
card will be used to delete current master card registration in the lock, and make the
lock to be ready to register new Master Card.
It is simple to delete the Master card registration and to register new master card in
the lock
Put the Owner card to the lock until lock sounds beep (one time) and red lamp
Now, all Master card registration is deleted from the lock.
Owner card scanned, put new master cards to register to the lock
4.2 Master Card
4.2.1 Functions of the Master Card
Customer can select the function of the Master card from the following two
options. Master card setting will be done by supplier.
Master card I : Alarm Off, User card delete and Locker open.
Master Card II : Alarm Off and Locker open and close (User remained)
Maximum five Master cards can be registered in a lock.