Version 1.2
- 5 - 2010-10-06
3. Basic operation of the Lock
ZP100 RF Locker lock is woken up by RF sensor, and read and write the User Card
when User card is placed on the Front body.
Once the User Card is authenticated by RF lock, the bolt of the lock will come out
(Free Selection mode) or come backward and forward (Fixed Mode).
User card needs to be put on the front body until
lock and card complete the authentication process
(1 beep sound and green Led lamp is on).
The role of the Owner card is to control the Master card registration. Therefore,
Owner card will be used to delete current master card registration in the lock, and
makes lock to wait for new Master card registration.
It is simple to delete old Master card registration and to register new master card in
the lock
Put the Owner card to the lock until lock sounds beep (one time) and light red
Now, all master card registration is deleted from the lock.
If you registered 5 Master cards in the lock, all these 5 Master card
registrations are deleted.
3.2.1 Functions of the Master Card
Customer can select the function of the Master card from the following two
options. Master card setting will be done by supplier.
Master card I : Alarm Off, User card delete and Locker open.
Master Card II : Alarm Off and Locker open and close (User remained)
(2) Maximum five Master cards can be registered in a lock.