FX200 User Guide
Version: 1.0
Thus, the smartphone is fully synchronized with RF user card.
(2) Setting up the lock and user card issue
Since BLE mobile access key is fully synchronized with RF user card, the
first step is to set up the locker lock with set up card in Assigned mode and
issue the user card and assign it to the locker. To do so, please refer to the
Lock Management System User Guide Ver. 5.0.
(3) Registration via Mobile App
Run the mobile App. If you are not registered yet, the registration page will show up right
after you start the mobile application. Other
wise, go to Menu and press the “Registration”
button for a new registration.
To register via the Mobile App, follow the instructions that will appear on your mobile device
screen. The instructions are like following:
Scan your user card on the lock.
To enter registration mode, touch
the lock (the registrat
ion mode’s
on when the lo
ck’s LED is
ch the “Register” button
Now, when registration is done, your mobile
key in your smartphone is fully synchronised
with the user card and ready to operate the
lock. It means that the information from the
user card corresponds with that of the mobile
key, including the validity period. Thus, the information about the valid date will
automatically appear on the mobile device screen.
The registration is a one-time process, so you
don’t need
to do it more than once for one