Please read and understand the operational instructions and safety issues associated
with this product. We go through great effort to make a soundly engineered and
superbly performing product of lasting durability. If you have any questions we are
anxious to assist in addressing them. Do not hesitate to contact either your dealer or
the Pass Labs factory directly. We are here to support the product and you the end-
As with all things electrical, the power cord should be the last item attached to the
pre-amp and the very fi rst cable to be removed anytime you hook-up or remove any
equipment from the signal chain.
The JAE umbilical cable should never be connected or removed without turning the
XP-32 off from the rear panel power switch or by unplugging the AC Power cord.
When installing the circular connector on the JAE umbilical, care must be exercised
to fully seat the connector and bottom the ring nut. The connectors are keyed and
can only go in one way. The larger tab goes to the top. The ring nut is provided with
a conventional right hand thread that should never require any use of force or tools
to connect or disconnect the cable from either chassis Clockwise rotation of the ring
nut to secure the connector, counter-clockwise rotation to remove.
The gain channels may be placed in proximity of the power supply control unit (either
on top of or underneath) with negligible loss of performance due to the extensive
shielding afforded the power supply. Some separation of the chassis is however
encouraged. The umbilical cables as supplied are 1.5m (5ft) in length to allow for
convenient component placement.
The XP-32 draws roughly 70W of power in operation. The pre-amplifi er’s actual
voltage and current rating are indicated on an affi xed tag on the rear of the pre-