Getting star
Getting started
Required equipment
ed equipment
• //control.Node (PS-3232)
• EcoChamber (ME-6667)
Set up the sensor module
Set up the sensor module
1. Insert the sensor module cable into the hole on the sensor
module stopper as shown in the Greenhouse Sensor module
Greenhouse Sensor module
parts section.
Tip: Insert a popsicle stick into the hole to help with creating
a gap in the stopper hole.
2. Connect one end of the sensor module cable to the Greenhouse
Sensor module. Connect the other end of the cable to the LIGHT
HUMIDITY TEMP port on the Greenhouse sensor interface.
Note: Make sure that the arrow on the plug lines up with
the image of the arrow on the interface.
3. Remove the thumbscrew, washer, and stopper from the module.
4. Insert the board through the
top of one of the holes on the
EcoChamber lid then plug the hole with the stopper.
5. Insert the screw into the stopper then place the washer and
thumbscrew on the screw attach the stopper to the board.
6. Rotate the board so that the light sensor is positioned near the
center of the lid.
Set up the soil moistur
Set up the soil moisture pr
e probe
1. Connect the soil moisture probe to the MOISTURE
MOISTURE port on the
Greenhouse sensor interface.
Note: Make sure that the arrows on the plug line up with
the image of the arrows on the interface.
2. Insert the probe through the top of one of the holes on the lid.
3. Place a single, small hole stopper (included with the EcoChamber)
around the probe cord.
4. Plug the hole with the stopper.
Connect the /
Connect the //contr
1. Place the lid on the EcoChamber so that the sensors are inside
the tank.
2. Connect the Greenhouse sensor interface to the Sensor
Sensor port on
the //control.Node.
3. Turn on the //control.Node and connect it to SPARKvue or PASCO
Capstone software.
2 | Greenhouse Sensor