Air Track
The only maintenance required is to keep the Air Track
surface clean and free of scratches or nicks. When the
unit is stored make sure that nothing can damage the
Air Track surface. If the track becomes nicked, such
that a protrusion on the surface hinders the free motion
of the glider, gently file or sand down the protrusion.
The PASCO Air Track is factory aligned so the devia-
tion from linearity is less than
.04 mm. The construc-
tion of the unit is designed that the track should remain
within these specifications for many years. However,
through excessive stress on the track it is possible that
it may get out of alignment. This condition produces an
uneven velocity of the glider as it travels along the
track. The glider will speed up and slow down as it
traverses the slight curves in the track.
Should uneven motion of the glider make use of the
product objectionable, the Air Track should then be
realigned. This procedure requires a special test tool
and we recommend that the unit be returned to
PASCO for adjustment. Please contact PASCO scien-
tific for information on returning your Air Track for
Gliders must be handled with care to maintain a
friction-free motion the Air Track. If any scratches or
nicks develop on those surfaces that float on the track
they must be removed with a file or sandpaper. If the
glider is dropped or bent out of alignment, it must be
straightened so its profile matches that of the Air
Track. If the angle between the two sides of the glider
is too small the glider will stick to the track. If the
angle is too large the glider will wobble as it moves on
the track.
Rubber Band Bumper
The rubber bands may deteriorate with time. They may
be replaced with any elastic band that produces the
desired launch and "bounce" characteristics.
NOTE: To extend the life of the rubber
bands, remove them from the rubber band
bumpers when not in use. Also, excessive han-
dling of the rubber bands may remove the
protective powder used to coat the rubber.
The specifics of the experiments performed on the Air
Track are a function of the timing system used.
Therefore, the experiments are included with the
various timing systems available from PASCO.
Please reference the manuals provided with the follow-
ing PASCO products:
• ME-9363A Air Track and Computer Photogate
System (IBM PC and compatible)
• ME-9336 Air Track and Computer Sonic Ranger
System (Apple II)
• ME-9391 Air Track and Computer Sonic Ranger
System (IBM PC and compatible)
• ME-9226 Air Track and Spark Timer System
• ME-9206A Photogate Timer
• ME-9215A Photogate Timer with Memory
• PI-8025 Counter/Timer/Frequency Meter
• SF-9297 Coupled Harmonic Oscillators
• ME-9218 Air Track and Self-contained Photogate
• ME-9394 Air Track and Computer Photogate
System (Apple II)