Without measurement there is no control
5475 Airport Boulevard
Boulder, CO 80301
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Carefully insert the permeation tube into the span oven, making sure to avoid touching the active
permeation areas (any exposed Teflon tubing).
Figure 3
Permeation Devices
Re-install the Teflon nut to the span oven.
Note Be careful to not cross-thread this nut.
Replace the cover to the span oven and re-install the two flathead screws.
Connect the power and supply CDA to the CDA fitting.
Verify that the LED on the front of the unit is lit when power is applied.
Note After installing the permeation tube, allow 24 to 48 hours elapse time prior to calibrating an
AirSentry II IMS analyzer. This time allows for the permeation device to warm up and near its
expected permeation rate. Most permeation tubes will have reached equilibrium five to seven
days after installation. An accurate calibration can be completed at the time; however the
results should not be significantly different than a quick calibration after 48 hours.
Periodic Checks of Calibration
The AirSentry II Calibration Station is also intended for periodic checks of the calibration of the AirSentry II
IMS. Two concentration points are typically checked, including a zero calibration and a span calibration.
A zero calibration checks the offset on a clean, pure zero gas stream (such as CDA).
A span calibration checks the value of the calibration point at the middle of the analyzer range (span).