Using the Loudness function
function is a dynamic adjustment of bass and treble based on listening
volume. This function compensates for the human ear's loss of sensitivity to bass and
treble frequencies when the volume is low.
To use the Loudness function, select
Settings > AudioFX > Loudness
. Adjust
Loudness to medium or high if you generally listen to music at a low volume.
You can adjust the following settings while you listen to music with an iPod connected
to Parrot ASTEROID Tablet, a USB key and an SD card.
Displaying album covers
You have the possibility of displaying album covers while the album is playing if it is
included in the tags (metadata) of your audio file.
If you would like to deactivate album cover display, press the
button and select
Linking an image to an album
If there are no images included in the tags of your audio files, you can add an image in
.jpg format to the corresponding folder. If there are several images in the folder, the
Parrot ASTEROID Tablet will display the image entitled cover.jpg by preference.
Note :
The image size must be less than 1 MB.
Using the Random Play option
To activate / deactivate random play of music files, press the
button while music is
playing and select
Random play
Using the Repeat option
To activate / deactivate the repeat option for music files:
1. While music is playing, press the
button and select
2. Select
Repeat song
Repeat all
Adjusting brightness
1. Select
Settings > Display > Brightness
2. Move the slider to adjust the screen brightness.
3. Press
to confirm.