• Power On:
The Green LED light indicates the shredder is “On” and ready to operate when paper is inserted.
• Overheat:
The Red LED light indicates the shredder has shred continuously beyond the maximum running time
and overheating, the unit will automatically shut off. If this happens, switch the shredder Off for 30
minutes or longer before resuming normal operation.
• Overload:
The Red LED light indicates when too much paper is inserted. Use the "Reverse" mode to back up
and reduce number of sheets.
• Door Open:
The Red LED light indicates the shredder basket is not pushed in properly.
Shredders with pull-out wastebaskets feature a safety power cut off upon bin removal. Make sure the
pull-out wastebasket is properly set back into place and the green “Power On” indicator is lit.
• Bin Full:
When the "Basket is Full", the RED light will indicate it needs to be emptied. While lit, the shredder
will be inoperable until the wastebasket is cleared.
LED Status
Bin full / Door open / Overload
/ Overheat / Power On