PDRS 27 A1
When aids are needed to absorb the reaction torque, we recom-
mend using a suspension unit wherever possible. If this is not pos-
sible, side handles for machines with a straight grip and machines
with pistol grip are recommended. We recommend always using
aids to absorb the torque if it is higher than 4 Nm on machines
with straight grips, and higher than 10 Nm on machines with a
pistol grip, and higher than 60 Nm on offset screwdrivers.
Release the start/stop control in case of a disruption to the elec-
tricity supply.
Use only the lubricants recommended by the manufacturer.
Fingers might be crushed in nut wrenches with an open pan
Keep your hands away from the rotating collet chuck and the
rotating drill.
Do not use the tool in confined spaces and ensure that your
hands are not crushed between the machine and the work piece,
especially when removing screws.
Hazards caused by repetitive movements
Users of an automatic screwdriver may experience unpleasant
sensations in their hands, arms, shoulders, neck area or other
body parts while working with the tools.
Assume a comfortable position when working with this machine,
pay attention to safe footing and avoid unfavourable positions
or such that make it difficult to keep your balance. During work
over longer periods, the operator should change posture to avoid
discomfort and fatigue.
If the operator notices symptoms such as persistent discomfort,
throbbing, pain, tingling, burning or stiffness, these warning in-
dications should not be ignored. The operator should consult a
qualified medical doctor.