| User Manual
Technical product description
KE-MT 120-600
transmission of operating signals and for the output of dewpoint alarms.
Compressor synchronisation
Compressor synchronisation helps reduce energy costs, as the dryer can be operated inde-
pendently of the compressor.
When the compressor is switched off, the regeneration gas return ensures that regenera-
tion is continued, as soon as a certain compressed air volume is reached behind the dryer.
The regeneration process must be continued and ended so that the drying agent does not
become unusable prematurely.
The compressor synchronisation controller is a higher-level controller than the pressure dew
point controller (see below). When both options are in place, the compressor synchronisation
controller is treated as the prime controller.
Dewpoint-sensing control
With a dewpoint-sensing control system, you can operate the dryer in fi xed or variable
cycles. In the fi xed cycle, switchover is effected after a fi xed time period (usually after 5
minutes). In the variable cycle, the switchover is effected in relation to the dew point reached
and the charging of the drying agent . The adsorption time in the variable cycle amounts to
60 minutes maximum.
Pneumatic control
A pneumatic control system can be used wherever an alternative to the electronic control
system is required, such as e.g. in explosion hazard areas.
Regeneration gas recirculation
When the compressor is switched off, the regeneration gas recirculation serves to continue
regeneration provided a suffi ciently large compressed air volume is present downstream of
the dryer. The regeneration process must be continued and ended so that the drying agent
does not become unusable prematurely.
Regeneration gas recirculation depends on the properties of the installed compressed air
network and should be discussed with the manufacturer beforehand.
Paint compatible design
Paint shop plants impose particularly stringent requirements with regard to the cleanliness
of the compressed air, as already the minutest contaminations can reduce the quality of the
paint fi nish. Even minute quantities of oil and grease containing foreign materials or solvents
— above all silicones — are suffi cient to cause pits, discolorations, swellings, and other
contaminations in the paint fi nish.
Dryers in a paint compatible design comprise seals and fi lters that are absolutely free of
grease and silicon and thus ensure a high quality of the compressed air used for painting.
Preliminary and afterfi lter
The installation of suitable preliminary fi lters is recommended for these reasons:
Removal of dirt or oil particles contained in the compressed air to prevent contamination of
the desiccant.
Elimination of large water droplets and thus prevention of unnecessary use of desiccant.
Extension of service life of desiccant.
Preliminary fi lters should be installed as close to the dryer as possible. The pipe feeding the
air to the preliminary fi lter should be at a slight slope.
It is recommended to install an afterfi lter behind the dryer to prevent contamination of the
dried compressed air with desiccant particles.