Do Not Allow Crossed Lines to Defeat Equipment
Safety Features
Crossed lines in wall structure piping creates hazard
of 100% Nitrous Oxide delivery to nasal mask and
Oxygen demand valve when Flowmeter is set for
100% Oxygen resulting in over sedation.
T h e i n i t i a l i n s t a l l a t i o n p o t e n t i a l p r o b l e m :
DISS (Diameter Index Safety System) is modified
at tank room wall when 3/8 inch Nitrous Oxide pipe
is increased to 1/2 inch pipe size. Oxygen pipe
remains at the normal 1/2 inch size.
Both Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen piping is
maintained at a common 1/2 inch size throughout
the building walls leading to operatories.
At gas outlet station, the Oxygen 1/2 inch pipe is
incorrectly decreased down to the DISS 3/8 inch
size reserved for Nitrous Oxide lines. Oxygen is
fed into the Nitrous Oxide lines.
At gas outlet station, the common run of 1/2 inch pipe for Nitrous
Oxide is incorrectly allowed to remain at the 1/2 inch size and is
then falsely connected to the DISS 1/2 inch outlet station.
Nitrous Oxide is fed into the Oxygen lines.
Dental flowmeter valve is set for 100% Oxygen only, but will
deliver 100% Nitrous Oxide because of the crossed lines.
A patient will become over sedated and may appear to fall asleep
when the flowmeter is set for 100% Oxygen.
An Oxygen demand valve connected to the resuscitator quick
connect of the Flowmeter will also deliver 100% Nitrous Oxide
because of the crossed lines.
Over Sedation