Setting up Compax3
I11 T11 192-120101 N6 - March 2004
I5: HAND+ (only in commissioning mode)
I6: HAND- (only in commissioning mode)
Manual travel control is possible only in setup mode - this is activated in the
optimizing window with the Compax3 ServoManager.
Limit and monitoring settings
In this chapter you can read about:
Current limit ....................................................................................................................................52
Positioning window – position reached ...........................................................................................52
Tracking error limit..........................................................................................................................53 Current
The current required by the speed controller is limited to the current limit.
Positioning window - Position reached
Position reached indicates that the target position is located within the position
In addition to the position window, a position window time is supported. If the actual
position goes inside the position window, the position window time is started. If the
actual position is still inside the position window after the position window time,
"Position reached" is set.
If the actual position leaves the position window within the position window time,
the position window time is started again.
When the actual position leaves the position window with Position reached = “1",
Position is immediately reset to "0".
Position monitoring is active even if the position leaves the position window
because of measures taken externally.
position window
position window time
O1: Position reached