Parker Brothers Risk The World Conquest Game Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

Содержание Risk The World Conquest Game

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Страница 3: ... ll fightlater on I 1 Selecta colorand dependlug then u d e r of playem m t outthe armies you ll need to startthe game If2areplaying seefnstntctionson lL If 3areplaying each player countsout35Infantry If 4 areplaying each player countsout30lnfautry If 5areplaying eachplayer countsout25Infantry If 6 areplayipg each player countsout20 Infantry 2 Roll one die Whoever r o l l sthe highestnumber takes ...

Страница 4: ...addition atthe beginning of your turn you will receive armiesforeach continentyou control To controla continent you must occupyallits territoriesat the startof your turn To findthe exactnumber of armiesyou ll receivefor eachcontinent lookat the chart in the lower left handcomer of the gameboard RISKCARDS h m h gCard At the end of anyturn inwhichyou have capturedat least oneterritory you will earno...

Страница 5: ...d Brazil At thewesternand eastern edgesof the board Alaskais consideredadjacent to and may attack Kamchatka You must aIwaphave atleast t w oarmiesin the territoryyou re attackingfrom You maycontinueattackingoneterritoryuntilyou have eliminatedall armiesonit oryou mayshiftyour attackfrom oneterritoryto another attackingeach as often asyou likeand attackingasmany territoriesas you likeduringoneturn ...

Страница 6: ...reduceyourhand to 4 orfewer cards but onceyour hand is reduced to 4 3 or 2 cards you must stop trading To fortifyyour position move as many armies asyou d likefrom one and only one of your territories into one andonlyone of your adjacent territories Rememberto move troopstowardsborderswhere they can help in an attack III FORTIFYINGYOURPOSITION In movingyour armies from one territoryto another you ...

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Страница 8: ...ries Thereisno limitto the number of armiesthat can occupya singleterritory Continueuntil alltroops havebeen deployed acrossthe map 6 TheGeneralnow collectsthe RISKcards replacesthe2W dCards shufflesthe deck and puts itto the side facedown 7 Gameplay continuesasin the standardWorld Dominationgame WINNING The playerwho completeshis or her mission first and revealsthe Mission card to prove it wins I...

Страница 9: ... card on a turn but okdyonecard per battle onceyou stop the tepitary in cpestion put the RISK card back intoyourhandforf h use You maynot use aRISK card inthis mannerwhen defendinga temtory Commanders Onceper turnwhileattackingyou maychangeoneof the diceyou ve just rolledsothat the number 6 is shawing This represents the influenceof your Commander at the sceneof the battle Wewillbehappytok r quest...
