4 DAX Owner’s Manual
Page 12
Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting
There is no sound from the optical input
- The coax input has priority over the optical input. When a cable is plugged into the coaxial input jack the
optical input is immediately deactivated. When the coax cable is unplugged from the 4 DAX the optical
input will become active again. If you are trying to listen to the optical input and a Coax cable is plugged
in you must unplug the coax cable first.
The amber Digital/Input indicator is always illuminated
- The Digital/Input LED will always be illuminated when there is an active PCM bit stream connected to that
particular zone. Most source components will have an active bit stream even when they are paused.
The 12V trigger is not turning off
- The 12V trigger will turn off 30 seconds after the music has stopped.
Why is there no sound from my speakers?
- You will only hear sound from the 4 DAX when the Amber Digital/Input LED and the green Analog/Output
LED are both illuminated. If these are not illuminated then check that your source is connected and
- Ensure that the Level controls are turned up.
- Check that the input and output cables are plugged in all the way at both ends.
- Are your preamplifiers and all power amplifiers turned on?
I can hear a hum or buzzing noise from the speakers
- Cable TV is the most common source of hum or buzzing noise in a system. If you have a cable TV box
connected to your audio system temporarily remove the incoming cable from the Cable TV box. If the
hum goes away the problem is with the cable TV ground. You will need a Cable TV Ground Loop Isolator
which is an inexpensive device that attaches between your incoming cable and the Cable TV box.
- A ground loop and hum can be caused by using more than one electrical circuit for your stereo
equipment. Try connecting the 4 DAX and other associated stereo equipment to the same outlet and
power strip.
- Finding other types of ground loops is a process of elimination. Unplug your source components one at a
time. When the hum goes away you’ve identified the source of the ground loop. You might be able to
stop the hum by attaching a wire from the chassis of the offending component to the chassis or ground
screw of your preamplifier.
- Light dimmers can cause noise in your audio. Try turning lights that are controlled by dimmers all the way
off. If the hum goes away the problem is electrical noise the dimmers introduce into your home’s AC