Parallax, Inc
Whisker Kit Instructions (June 2000)
' turn right if left switch closes
gosub back
for counter = 0 to 50
pulsout servo_left,850
pulsout servo_right,850
goto drive_servos
Whiskers Tips
Possible Solution
Boe-Bot backs up too far/not far enough.
Boe-Bot turns too far/not far enough.
Adjust the
for. . . next
arguments in the program
listing. They may be increased or decreased to
increase or decrease how far the Boe-Bot rotates
when it turns as well as how far it backs up.
Boe-Bot drives up side of wall because whiskers
didn’t catch hold of an object.
Increase the resistance of a whisker against the
surface of an object by bending whiskers in a different
angle. Alternatively, try dipping the whiskers in a
coating material such as rubber cement.
Dead-center object isn’t detected by whiskers.
Bend whiskers inward.
Robot gets stuck in corners.
Try the
command to decide whether to turn
left or right after hitting an object.
Switches don’t appear to work properly.
Check your wiring and connections. Use the Debug
terminal to display the state of the bumper switches
as seen by the BASIC Stamp 2. This can be done by
replacing the contents of the
with the following segment of code:
debug home
debug bin ? in5
debug bin ? in10
goto check_whiskers
Note: When a bumper is pressed the Debug terminal
should display a 0 instead of a 1.