6) ESP2866 WiFi Module DIP Socket
A Parallax WX ESP8266 WiFi Module - DIP (#32420D) can be plugged into this socket.
This equips the SumoBot WX board to wirelessly program the Propeller on the FLiP
module, as well as support other radio applications. When installed, the WiFi module
interacts with the ASC LED, D1 & D0 LEDs, and DTR / RESn Header.
The blue ASC LED indicates the connection status of the attached radio module.
When SumoBot WX has the Parallax WiFi module installed, the blue LED will blink
occasionally while the WiFi module is connected to a wireless network, and the blink
timing can be used to identify the connection status of the wireless module.
Refer to the Parallax WiFi module product guide for the latest information about the
ASC LED behavior, available from the 32420D product page at www.parallax.com.
8) DI and DO LEDs
The DI and DO LEDs are wired from the perspective of the radio module. These can be
used to diagnose connection problems or monitor information flow between the radio
module and the Propeller microcontroller.
The red DI LED indicates communication to the radio module RX pin from the Propeller
FLiP module’s Propeller microcontroller TX pin (P30 or P24).
The blue DO LED indicates communication from the radio module to the Propeller
microcontroller’s RX pin (P31 or P25).
Note that the Propeller module TX and RX pin selection can be altered by the UART
9) DTR / RESn Header
The DTR to RESn header is pre-fitted with a 2mm shunt jumper which must be kept
installed to enable programming of the FLiP module.
The jumper may be removed (and retained!) to prevent the radio module from being
able to remotely program or reset the Propeller FLiP module, as a protection against
rogue competitors from resetting the robot during battle!
Copyright © Parallax Inc.
SumoBot WX Board (#32132)
v1.1 8/17/2020 Page 4 of 9