Command Line Interface
August 2000
Interface and Service Domain IP Address
ifn address
| dsl1
] }
ip-address mask
| eth1
] }
ifn address dsl1 unnumbered
Specifies the IP address associated with either the Ethernet interface or the DSL
interface. Up to four (4) IP addresses may be assigned on each interface. An interface
address and mask cannot be changed while there is a static route (upstream or
downstream) that uses it. Interface IP address ranges must not overlap.
Minimum access level: Administrator/Config
eth1, eth1:1, eth1:2, eth1:3, eth1:4 – Ethernet interface. eth1 is the same as eth1:1.
dsl1, dsl1:1, dsl1:2, dsl1:3, dsl1:4 – DSL interface. dsl1 is the same as dsl1:1.
ip-address – The IP address associated with the specified interface.
mask – Mask for the associated subnet.
primary – The Primary designation of a numbered interface marks that interface as the
one whose IP address will be used as the Router ID. (The Router ID is important when
the DSL interface is unnumbered.) If no interface is defined as Primary, the last
numbered interface created will become the Primary IP Address.
unnumbered – Specifies that the DSL interface is to be unnumbered.
NOTES: – For each defined Ethernet interface, a corresponding upstream next hop
router IP address must be configured for routing of packets received on
that interface. See
ip route create upstream
command on page
A-6 for more details.
– When the eth1 is assigned an IP address, this section also defines the
logical network (subnet) containing the locally attached hosts. An IP
route table entry will automatically be created to correspond to the
subnet defined by the mask.
– When the DSL interface is numbered, multiple logical Ethernet interfaces
can be assigned to the same DSL logical interface by configuring the
same upstream next hop router.
– The configured DSL logical interfaces must be either all numbered or a
single unnumbered interface.
– When NAT is being used, the DSL interface must be numbered. Only
one logical interface must be defined for each physical interface, i.e.,
one IP address to each interface.
– When NAT, DHCP Server, or DHCP Relay is enabled, there can be only
one service domain configured.
ifn address dsl1 135.300.41.8
ifn dsl1 primary