3. Save the configuration and return to the ISDN menu.
4. Select Link Profiles, then type n (New) and press Enter.
5. Set up the ISDN Link Profiles.
– Name for the destination entered (e.g., Tampa). The default setting is HQ_Site.
– Link Status is set to Auto.
– Phone numbers entered:
Originating FrameSaver Unit
Answering FrameSaver Unit
Outbound Phone number.
Valid characters can include:
Numbers (0 – 9)
Special characters * and #
Inbound Calling ID1 and ID2. These
are the phone numbers of units that
calls will be accepted from.
Valid characters can include:
Numbers (0 – 9)
Remember to include local dial-out numbers (i.e., 9, then the number).
6. If configuring a central site unit proceed to Step 11.
If configuring a remote site unit, proceed to Step 11.
7. Save the configuration and return to the ISDN menu.
8. Select DLCI Records, New, and press Enter. Minimally, configure the following
options to create DLCI records for the link:
– DLCI number
– DLCI Type is set to Multiplexed if a multiplexed DLCI is being backed up.
9. Save the configuration and return to the Configuration Edit/Display menu.
10. Select PVC Connections, then New. Minimally, configure the following options to
create a PVC connection to be backed up.
– Alternate Destination Link name entered (e.g., Tampa). See the ISDN Link
Profile Name.
– Alternate Destination DLCI.
– Alternate Destination EDLCI if a multiplexed DLCI.
11. Save the configuration and return to the Configuration Edit/Display menu.
12. Select Auto Backup Criteria.
13. Enable Auto Backup.
14. Specify When Auto Backup Allowed – Always or Restrict. If Restrict is selected,
specify the days and hours of the week during which automatic backup can take
15. Save the change and return to the Configuration Edit/Display menu.
Setting Up An ISDN DBM for Dial Backup in Setup of the User’s Guide for
additional information.