November 1996
A/ (Repeat Last Command), 4-7
ac power, 2-5
Answer mode (ATA), 4-7
Async/Sync Mode (AT&M), 4-18
AT Commands
“H (V.42 bis Compression), 4-28
&C (LSD Control), 4-14
&D (DTR Action), 4-15
&F (Factory Defaults), 4-15
&G (V.22 bis Guard Tone), 4-16
&I (Dial Transmit Level), 4-17
&J (Dial Transmit Type), 4-17
&L (Leased Mode), 4-17
&M (Async/Sync Mode and DTE Dialer Type),
&Q (Async/Sync Mode and DTE Dialer Type),
&R (RTS Action), 4-19
&S (DSR Control), 4-20
&T (Tests), 4-21
&V (View Configuration Options), 4-22
&W (Write to Memory), 4-22
&X (Transmit Clock Source), 4-22
&Z (Store Telephone Number), 4-23
%A (Error Control Fallback Character), 4-27
%C (MNP5 Data Compression), 4-27
*** (Command Recovery), 4-7
\A (Maximum Frame Size), 4-23
\C (Error Control Negotiate Buffer), 4-24
\D (CTS Control), 4-24
\G (Modem to Modem Flow Control), 4-24
\K (Break Buffer Control, Send Break Control,
Break Forces Escape), 4-25