COMSPHERE 6800 Network Management System Core
Command Reference Manual (6800-A2-GD32-10)
The changes or modifications to the commands in this manual are described as follows.
Create Device Profile (crdp)/Delete Device Profile(dldp)/
Display Device Profile (dsdp)/Edit Device Profile (eddp)
The Model number field of the Create Device Profile (crdp), Delete Device Profile (dldp), Display Device
Profile (dsdp), and the Edit Device Profile (eddp) commands now accepts:
3825 in support of the 3825Plus modem.
3980-A2 and 3982-A2 as a valid ddd device type in support of the enhanced 3800Plus modems with
country-specific power supplies.
3980-A1, 3981-B1, and 3982-A1 as replacements for the existing 3980, 3981, and 3982 model numbers.