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New General Management Configuration Options

SNMP Mgt: Disab
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SNMP Management Enable. Specifies whether the unit responds to SNMP session requests.

Enab – The unit responds to SNMP session requests.

Disab – The unit does not respond to SNMP session requests.

NMS Valid: Disab
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NMS IP Validation. Specifies whether the unit validates (for security reasons) the IP address of an SNMP manager
attempting to access the unit. Allowable addresses are specified using the NMS 

n IP Adr configuration option.

Enab – The unit validates the IP address of SNMP management systems attempting to access the unit.

Disab – The unit does not validate the IP address of SNMP management systems.

Num Sec Mgrs: 1
Next     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9     10     Prev

Number of Security Managers. Specifies the number of SNMP managers that are allowed to access the unit.

NOTE: You must configure an IP address for each SNMP manager that is allowed access to the unit. Allowable

addresses are specified using the NMS 

n IP Adr configuration option.


n IP Adr:

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NMS Manager 

n IP Address. Specifies the allowable IP address of an SNMP manager attempting to access the

unit. The manager number (

n) is specified by the Num Sec Mgrs configuration option.

Edit – Allows you to edit and/or display the allowable IP address for the SNMP manager.

Clear – Allows you to clear the allowable IP address for the SNMP manager. The IP address is set to


n Access: Read

Next     Read     R/W     Prev

NMS Manager 

n Access Type. Specifies the allowable type of access for an SNMP manager attempting to access

the unit’s MIB using community name 1.The manager number (

n) is specified by the Num Sec Mgrs configuration


Read – Allows read-only access (SNMP Get) to the accessible objects in the MIB for this device when community
name 1 is used. This includes all objects specified as either read-only or read/write in the MIB RFCs.

R/W – Allows read and write access (SNMP Get and Set) to the objects in the MIB for this device when community
name 1 is used. Write access is allowed for all objects specified as read/write in the MIB RFCs. Read access is
allowed for all objects specified as either read-only or read/write.
